Worlds Largest Bitcoin Mining Operation that is Earning 8 Million a Month

World’s Largest Bitcoin Mining Operation that is Earning $8 Million a Month

World’s Largest Bitcoin Mining Operation that is Earning $8 Million a Month


The largest Bitcoin mining operation in North America is earning its owner $8 million worth of Bitcoins a month. Dave Carlson is running the Bitcoin mining facility in two warehouses at an undisclosed location in Washington state.


Carlson invited a local Seattle station, KOMO News to take a look inside the mining facility which he said is “the largest mine in North America and most of the rest of the world.”

The whole space is filled with rows and rows of specially designed Bitcoin mining rigs that would do the actual mining. The combined processing power reached one thousand trillion calculations per second or one petahash.


“It is not any different to any gold rush in history and we are absolutely running as fast as we can to grow,” said Carlson. To put it into perspective, the same processing power that these mining rigs are pulling are only crossed on the entire Bitcoin network just about six months ago.


Carlson indicated that the mining operation is using 1.4 megawatts of electricity, which is enough to power a town. According to him, the relatively cheap and stable electricity supply in the Washington-state area makes this operation possible.

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