How to Add WeChat Tools
There are add-on tools for WeChat which is still a mystery to some. They are icons for you to quickly launch an app when you are chatting with your friends on WeChat, and able to send the content in that app to the conversation. It might sound a bit confusing right? Don’t worry, we will show you some screenshots instead.
The two special icons in the picture above are WeChat tools. The second icon is a WeChat emoticons app, and with it, i can send special emoticon stickers to my friends. For instance, i am now chatting with my friend Adrian and i am going to send him a funny emoticon. So i tap on the special icon to go in to the add-on feature.
I choose the emoticon that i want to send, and it pops out a confirmation dialog. I confirm to send and my friend Adrian will receive the animated emoticon.
Guide to Add WeChat Tools
- In any of your Chat screen, tap on the ‘+‘ button for more media options. Then tap on the ‘+‘ icon below.
- At the Add Tools page, tap on the app under Installed Tools that you would like to add on to WeChat. If succeeded, you will see it moved to the Added Tools section.
- Next time you want to send special emoticons to your friends, you can click on the special icon which is already added to your WeChat.
There are many more apps which are specifically built as an add-on to WeChat. Share with us in the comments below what other interesting apps that you have managed to find.