Have You Ever Imagined How Horror Movie Characters Would Look Like As Babies? This Artist Does.
Even horror movie characters are babies once. Illustrator from Chicago, Alex Solis reimagines famous horror movie characters as babies. From baby frankenstein to baby freddy krueger, they are anything but cute and cuddly.
Solis has a 6-month old baby now, and his creations was inspired by him.
Baby Pinhead
Baby Dracula
Baby Beetlejuice
Baby Jason
Baby Freddy
Baby Mummy
Baby Frankenstein
Baby White Walker
Baby Jack
Baby Wicked Witch
Baby Pazuzu (Exorcist)
Baby Alien
Baby Samara (The Ring)
Baby Werewolf
Baby Nurse Joker
See more of Solis’ work at his website or follow him on Twitter.
via Diply