Adblock Plus now lets you customize Facebook and blocks more than ads 01

Adblock Plus now lets you customize Facebook and blocks more than ads

Adblock Plus now lets you block 21 other annoyances in Facebook


Adblock Plus blocks more than ads on the web. With the latest update, it will block all other annoyances, including those unneeded and possibly unwanted elements in the Facebook news feed and sidebar.


The company said that this update isn’t about ads, but adds a bunch more options for the users. “They are not advertisements. Rather, this material is actually from Facebook, and it is served to you based upon the information Facebook receives from your profile and activities.”


Users are offered three options, to block all annoyances, block only sidebar annoyances or block only news feed annoyances.


Block all option includes :

  • Music Pages You May Like.
  • Entertainment Pages You May Like.
  • Add to Movies.
  • Add to TV Shows.
  • People You May Know.
  • Rate To Add To Your Movies.
  • Rate To Add To Your TV Shows.
  • Rate Books You’ve Read.
  • Rate These Places.
  • Get Important News.
  • Recommended Pages.
  • Rate Movies You’ve Watched.
  • Add to Movies.
  • Add to TV Shows.
  • Rate TV Shows You’ve Watched.
  • Suggested Groups.
  • Friend Finder/Find More Friends.
  • Games You May Like.
  • Play It Again.
  • Suggest Friends.
  • Nearby Places.


With Adblock Plus extension installed, you can pick the options you want to block from here.

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