Retina MacBook Pro users complain keyboard and trackpad issues

Retina MacBook Pro users complain keyboard and trackpad issues

Users report keyboard and trackpad on the new Haswell-equipped Retina MacBook Pros are locking up at times


Apple support community has been filled with threads spanning over 19 pages as the owners of the new Haswell-equipped Retina MacBook Pro seem to be running into various problems with the 13-inch and 15-inch models.


According to users in the support thread, they are experiencing issues of the keyboard locking up and the trackpad freezing at random during use on both of the models. The only cure for these issues at this point in time appears to be a hard reset of the machine through the power button, while some reports that cycling sleep mode by closing the lid for a minute or so and reopening it can reanimate the input devices. As Apple has not officially commented on these issues, it remains to be seen whether these issues are due to faulty hardware or software problem.


Launched last week, the new 13-inch and 15-inch Retina MacBook Pros were updated with the latest Intel processor increasing performance, while adding hours of battery life to the laptops.

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