10 Best VIM Cheat Sheet

5 Best VIM Cheat Sheet

5 Best VIM Cheat Sheet


Vim is the superceded text editor of Vi, and is available in most Linux distributions. No matter you are new to Vi or not, here’s a list of the best VIM cheat sheets for easy reference.


1. VIM Cheat Sheet for Programmers



Source: VIM Cheat Sheet for Programmers


2. Beautiful VIM Cheat Sheet


A great cheat sheet about the concepts rather than just graphical illustration of the commands. However, if you wish to have the full version under PDF, do consider to support the author to purchase the digital copy where there are three varied PDF sizes to choose from.


Source: Beautiful VIM Cheat Sheet


3. Vi / Vim Graphical Cheat Sheet


Source: Vi / Vim Graphical Cheat Sheet


4. Vi Cheat Sheet


Source: Vi Cheat Sheet


5. Mobile Friendly VIM Cheat Sheet


Source: Mobile Friendly VIM Cheat Sheet

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