Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Image Leak With ATT Branding

Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Image Leak With AT&T Branding

Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Image Leak With AT&T Branding

We have seen the Samsung Galaxy Mega for some time in Europe and Asia market. A purported image leak suggests that the device will be available soon in the states.


The Mega 6.3 although not on the high-end scale, is reasonably fast on a 1.7GHz dual-core Snapdragon 400 processor with 1.5GB RAM. A huge 720p LCD display panel. There’s also an 8 mega pixel camera with 3,200 mAh battery. The image clearly shows an AT&T logo on the rear of the device and August 23 on screen. Could it be hinting on the launching date? Anyway, it won’t be long till this device would be available to the states with AT&T branding.

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