“This morning the Ubuntu Edge passed the $10,266,845 raised by the Pebble smartwatch to become the world’s biggest ever fixed crowdfunding campaign,” Canonical wrote on its Indiegogo campaign page on Friday. With just 8 hours left, Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu Edge, is still more than $19 million shy of it’s $32 million goal.
Even the creator admits that, save for a miracle, there is no chance of meeting the funding goal. That is because the funding goal of $32 million is three times more money than has ever been raised this way before. Canonical said the funding goal was set high to account for scale and the use of parts “not yet proven for multi-million-unit production.” And if the crowdfunding failed? “We will focus only on commercially available handsets and there will not be an Ubuntu Edge,” they wrote. Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth adds “The campaign has sparked a level of interest that has surprised even us.” We can only applaud Shuttleworth and his team.
Where’s the date when this was written? This article has time value, to be meaningful. The closest I can see is a reference to “Friday” — but of which week, which month?