Nissan unveils Nismo concept smartwatch connects car and driver 01 2

Nissan unveils Nismo concept smartwatch, connects car and driver

Nissan Nismo Concept Smartwatch


The smartwatch to unit car and driver, to enhance their driving experience and Nismo ownership


Nissan would be the first car maker to introduce a smartwatch. Announced before the Frankfurt Motor Show 2013, Nissan said the idea is to monitor driver performance and efficiency of the vehicle.


The bangle like device measures biometric data like the driver’s heart rate as well as performance data like fuel consumption. It connects to the car’s on-board computer system via Bluetooth 4.0 over a smartphone app. The app then sends tailored messages from Nissan, directly to the driver.

The smartwatch use a snap-fit mechanism to attach to the wrist and a simple interface operated with two buttons. Nissan says it will charge by way of micro-USB and battery can last for 7 days with normal use.


There’s no words on when the Nismo smartwatch would become available.

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