Steve Ballmer bids tearful goodbye to Microsoft

Steve Ballmer bids tearful goodbye to Microsoft

Steve Ballmer bids tearful goodbye to Microsoft


After 33 years, a tearful Steve Ballmer bids farewell to thousands of Microsoft employees at his last company meeting as CEO.


In August, Microsoft announced that Ballmer would retire within the next 12 months. The company has yet to find a successor. Though he isn’t due to leave Microsoft for months, during the hour long talk to the emotionally charged masses, Ballmer said “We have unbelievable potential in front of us, we have an unbelievable destiny. Only our company and a handful of others are poised to write the future….We’re going to think big, we’re going to bet big.”

With his voice wavering, Ballmer declares his love for the job and Microsoft employees. “This isn’t about any one person, it’s about the company” said Ballmer and continued “It’s my whole professional world. Microsoft is like a fourth child to me. Children do leave the house. In this case, I guess I’m leaving the house.”


Ballmer introduces his exit music, theme from the movie Dirty Dancing (1987), “I’ve Had The Time Of My Life”. The ending sees Ballmer trots out of the stadium as he give high fives and hugs to the employees.

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