Be Prepared For The Inevitable. Australia Has Created An Artificial Human

Be Prepared For The Inevitable. Australia Has Created An Artificial Human

Be Prepared For The Inevitable. Australia Has Created An Artificial Human


We have all heard of artificial intelligence. Now, be prepared for artificial human. We are all doomed.


Okay, maybe I have overreacted. It is a digital artificial human. But still.


Meet Mr Head. Looks quite gorgeous, doesn’t he?

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Chris Jones


Unfortunately, Mr Head isn’t a real human. It is a hyperreal CGI construction by Australian designer Chris Jones

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Chris Jones


See? Here’s how it works.

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Chris Jones


The CGI for Mr Head was built for years, and recently Jones added details to the eyes.

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Chris Jones


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Chris Jones


Apart from Mr Head, Jones has also created Mr Hand.

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Chris Jones


Watch the completed sequences below.

Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Chris Jones

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