Coinbase announces BitHack winners and opens App Store

Coinbase announces BitHack winners and opens App Store

Coinbase announces BitHack winners and opens App Store


Coinbase has announced the winner of their BitHack hackathon contest which was organized to encourage developers to explore the possibilities of Bitcoin.


Out of the 112 submissions, three winners are selected based on their creativivity to create something great with Bitcoin. The second runner-up would receive $3,000, first runner-up prize will be $5,000 and the first spot would grab $10,000.

Third prize won by

This is a service where users can simply post up a product for sale in bitcoins. The Coinbase-powered site will handle the payment and promised to charge zero fee.


Second prize won by Aircoin

This is a smartphone app which simplifies the process of transferring bitcoins to people nearby. The drag and drop user interface proves that it is possible to use Bitcoin as an everyday currency.


First prize won by Coinplanter

This is an Android Bitcoin game which utilizes geotagging. Users can store, share or find bitcoins based on their location. One can dig at any location to check whether other users have hidden some bitcoins.


Coinbase App Store

Coinbase has opened their very own app store showcasing apps built using their platform and APIs. The winning app could be found in Coinbase Apps as well. If you have missed out the chance to participate in the BitHack this round, be on the lookout, as the firm is planning to hold additional BitHacks.

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