Pokémon Go Guides and Tools to Become a PokéMaster
Pokémon Go has gone beyond popular to become a phenomenon. Everyone’s addicted to it! With over 30 million daily active users, you will need a little help or some correct tools to be the very best.
It does not matter whether you have just started the journey of a Pokémon trainer or you are well on your way to be a PokéMaster. There are some very useful tips and guides which will benefit trainers of all levels.
Guides, Resources and Helpful Tips
Fresh trainers will benefit more from guides and tips. But even as a high level trainer, there would be some information and secrets that some might have missed out.
- Starter guide to guide fresh trainers to the proper course.
- How to track Pokémon.
- Lucky Egg strategy for power leveling.
- New method of throwing Pokeballs.
- Rewards as a trainer level up and new items unlock.
Gym Combat and the Strategies to Win
Gym unlocks for trainers level 5. Upon entering the gym for the first time, there will be an option to select a team out of three. The choice made here won’t affect the gameplay much, but do take some consideration in choosing the same team as your friends or group as Pokémon Go will be more fun with team work as a trainer progress in level.
- Gym overview and strategy.
- How combat works in Pokémon Go.
- Tactics to defend a gym.
Calculate Individual Value (IV) of a Pokémon and Other Useful Tools
Not every Pokémon are born equal. Some will be inevitably stronger than others and these are measured as IV in the game. With the three base stats of attack, defense and stamina, these number will vary from 0 to 15 for each stat.
But these values are hidden from trainers. With the recent update, trainers can appraise Pokémon to roughly determine how a Pokémon fare against others. More determined trainers who are looking Pokémon with near perfect or perfect battling capabilities can do so with the help of some tools.
- IV Calculator to determine the individual value of Pokémon.
- Evolution Calculator to check Combat Power (CP) after evolution.
- Lucky Egg Calculator for mass evolution and power leveling.
Pokémon Go Mechanics
Curious how things work behind the scene? Pokémon Go might appear like a simple game with each damage value clearly indicated. But it is actually more complicated than how it looks.
When a Pokémon is in a battle with a type that it is effective against, there will be effectiveness bonus. For example, when Vaporeon which is a Water type Pokémon is fighting against Flareon which is a Fire type Pokémon, Vaporeon will have an advantage. There are other bonuses like similar type attack bonus (STAB) and double effectiveness. If you like calculations, there are more in depth explanations.
So are you a Pokémon trainer yet? Let’s go out and catch ’em all!