How to clear browser data in Internet Explorer 01

Tips – websites not displaying correctly in Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) or Internet Explorer 10 (IE10)

Websites not displaying correctly in Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) or Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) ?


 Websites designed for older browsers will often look better in Compatibility View


Some websites may not display correctly in Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) or Internet Explorer 10 (IE10). Or other problems such as out-of-place menus, images or other functionality. To allow the websites to display or function correctly, Microsoft has built in the Compatibility Mode.


Click on the Compatibility View icon Compatibility-icon to view a website in Compatibility Mode. When the icon turns blue, that means the Compatibility View is enabled.


You can also choose Compatibility View from the Tools menu. Press the Alt key to bring up the Tools menu.

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