Choose An Item To Be Turned Into After You Have Passed Away 06

Choose An Item To Be Turned Into After You Have Passed Away

Traditional cemeteries are so old fashioned.


Space constraints and environmental concerns are pushing modern man to explore new options for dealing with the deceased. From turning your ashes into a painting, to a bullet, or even a diamond, there are more options than ever before.


Here are some of the many items that one can choose to be turned into after they have passed away.


1. Become a Diamond.

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Diamonds are forever, right? Swiss company Algordanza have made it possible to turn your ashes into an everlasting diamond. “Most of the stones come out blue because the human body contains trace amounts of boron, an element that may be involved in bone formation. Occasionally, though, a diamond pops out white, yellow or close to black,” said Rinaldo Willy, the company’s founder and CEO. “Regardless, every diamond from each person is slightly different. It’s always a unique diamond.”


2. Become a Photograph.

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Norway design studio Skrekkøgle found a way to use the ashes of a dog as ink to be printed on a dark background into a portrait. Now you could be printed out as a photo of yourself.


3. Become bullets.

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A 21-gun salute is a sign of respect, but it would be even more meaningful if the bullet contains the ashes of the deceased. For only $1,250, Holy Smoke can materialize that dream by stuffing the ashes of a deceased into either 250 shotgun shells, 100 rifle cartridges, or 25o pistol cartridges.


4. Become pencils.

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Being mostly made up of carbon, humans are the perfect material to be made into pencils after we have departed from this world. In fact, graphite in pencils are also made up of carbons.


Each one of these 240 pencils is custom stamped with the name of the deceased and date of death. Additionally, the box doubles as a sharpener, so once the whole set of pencils have been used up, what’s left is the traditional ash in the form of pencil shavings.


5. Become an Hourglass.

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In The Light Urns

Instead of a traditional urn, why not have the ashes of a loved one turned into an hourglass perhaps? For just $330, In The Light Urns will be delighted to do that. There is even a smaller version in the form of a silver pendant that costs $80.


6. Become a Street Sign.

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City of Knoxville

After cremation, all the metal implants get left behind. These include fake hip joints, plates, and fillings. Several crematoriums in England will actually melt them down to make road signs and lamp posts. Of course, their families have to agree to it before they can turn the deceased into public property. Any gains from the process will be donated to a charity chosen by their families.


7. Become a Vinyl Record.

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Living One Handed

Music lovers can choose to have their ashes made into a vinyl record. And Vinyly can turn the ashes of a loved one into a vinyl record with up to 24 minutes of music or sound – 12 minutes on each side.


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