Plants vs Zombie 2 : It’s About Time. Yes, that’s the subtitle of the sequel to the popular 2009 tower defense game from PopCap. Originally scheduled for release in July, it was officially delayed in late June. Earlier this month, the game soft launched in Australia and New Zealand.
App store’s facebook page leaves little doubt about the release.
It shouldn’t be long now until Plants vs. Zombies 2 is officially released worldwide. The game will be free-to-play with in-app purchases. Here’s what PopCap said in a press release :
“Designed from the ground up as a live service, the ever-expanding universe of Plants vs. Zombies 2 continues the epic struggle of plants defending your brainz against zombies from your backyard through the vast reaches of time, both past and future. New worlds with new levels, plants, zombies and new ways to play will be released on an ongoing basis. Leveraging the touch interface of Apple’s popular mobile devices, Plants vs. Zombies 2 includes all-new touch-screen power-ups that enable players to “break the fourth wall” and interact with zombies directly, as well as via plant defenses.
Also returning for the sequel is Crazy Dave, the addled neighbor who serves as a guide for players and shopkeeper for special plant upgrades and other tools and weapons. New touch-screen power-ups, plant food that supercharges plants, and novel new game mechanics that both help and hinder players’ efforts to thwart the zombie hordes will enthrall existing fans and new players alike.
Free to download, Plants vs. Zombies 2 will expand and extend the classic gameplay of the original and provide players with dozens of all-new levels, plants and zombies across multiple worlds at no cost. While the vast majority of the game will be entirely free to play (players can face every zombie and access every level in every world at no cost), Plants vs. Zombies 2 players will also be able to purchase upgrades and other in-game items.”
Those who experienced the original Plants vs Zombies would find the control and gameplay familiar in the beginning with new stuffs unfolding as the game progress. There are at least four things to look forward to in this new sequel.
1. New plants and zombies. The new plants include Boomerang Flower, Bonkchoy, Peapod and Snapdragon. There are also new kinds of zombies, including the Pharoh Zombie, Mummy Zombie, Pirate Captain Zombie and Cowboy Zombie.
2. Gesture attacks. Players can use coins to buy special abilities that can be executed with simple touch gestures. This includes the Power Pinch, Power Zap and Power Toss.
3. New Worlds. There are three worlds (maps) in this sequel. The three worlds are Ancient Egypt, Pirate Seas and The Wild West. A Space Challenge is reportedly coming up too. Players need to accumulate enough stars to advance, sometimes playing the same levels over and over again in order to achieve the target performance.
4. Plant food. Players will obtain a power-up known as the Plant Food by killing glowing zombies. Use these to temporarily boost the firepower of a plant or to instantly produce 150 sun points. Players can only keep three to four of these at a time.
Those who love the original Plants vs Zombies will spend more sleepless nights with this sequel.