How to backup and restore Naver LINE chat history on Android without rooting
LINE is a free instant messaging app for smartphones and PCs with over 200 million users worldwide. As a LINE messenger user, you may want to backup and restore your LINE chat history, be it switching to a new device or just as a backup in case the data is deleted accidentally. It may seem an impossible task to restore the data and the latest LINE update makes matter even worse, where the history is deleted automatically when there is a login detected on another device, which means the data would be lost forever if there is no prior backup performed.
Fret not as we have found a way to backup your valuable data which is your LINE history and a way to restore it to another device as well. It is actually quite easy once you have tried it once. Plus the good news is that there is no rooting required.
You may also want to check out How to backup and restore Naver LINE chat history on iOS without jailbreak.
Guide to backup LINE chat history on Android
Step 1
Launch LINE messenger, and from the Chats tab, go into the conversation that you want to backup.
Step 2
In the conversation, tap the drop down arrow on the upper right corner to bring down more options.
Step 3
Tap on Chat Settings.
Step 4
Then tap on Backup Chat History.
Step 5
Select Backup All.
Note: This will only backup the individual conversation. That means you need to do it for each individual conversation.
Important: If you choose “Backup as a Text File”, you cannot restore the chat history later. So choose “Backup All”.
Step 6
Select Yes to send the backup file to an email address.
Step 7
Tap on OK to continue.
Step 8
Enter your email for the backup file to be sent to and tap on Send to finish the backup process.
Guide to restore LINE chat history on Android
After you are done backing up your LINE conversations, the restoration part is rather quick and easy.
Warning: When you log into LINE from your new phone, all chat history will be deleted from your old phone. So please make sure that you have done the backup correctly before proceeding.
Step 1
On your new Android device, copy your chat history files with extension .zip to the folder on internal storage /sdcard/LINE_Backup/.
Step 2
Launch LINE app, start a new chat or enter an existing conversation with the person whose chat history you want to restore.
Step 3
Tap the drop down arrow on the upper right corner to bring down more options, then tap on Chat Settings. You will notice there’s a new option below the Backup Chat History, that is the Import Chat History. Tap on it.
Step 4
Tap on Yes to confirm.
Step 5
LINE will prompt you that the import is successful. Tap on OK, and you are done. Repeat the same for each conversation that you wish to restore.
We hope that this guide is of use to you. Do drop us a message in the comments if you encounter any problem.
I’ve tried this method, but on my nexus 5 running kitkat 4.4, it just keeps on saying loading when i try to restore the conversation. Is this an isolated issue on Nexus/kitkat 4.4 or is anyone else running into the same problem.
Tried it with a Nexus 7 running on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean works fine. Might be an isolated case for Android 4.4 KitKat. Anyway, will get back to you once we have tested it.
I already followed the “Guide to
backup LINE chat history on Android” and after I did the step 5 as written in the “Guide to restore LINE chat
history on Android”, there is no chat history restored at all, after I check I
found out that the friend name for example friend “X”, her backup file in
previous device is named “LINE_Android-backup-chat-890082471” and when I try to find out if
X backup filename in new device is still the same or not with that in previous
device, I found out X backup name in new device is already changed to new
backup name which is “LINE_Android-backup-chat116140281089”, in new device I register
with the same cellphone number which also ask me if I confirm to sign in with
this nbr coz it will cause the data in previous device get deleted and I press
OK and the Line data in previous device is indeed all gone when I choose to
untick allow login in the “accounts” in the “setting”, the problem now is why
the backup name is not the same? What should I do to restore backup file of X
from previous device to new device?
Can we restore the backup for a friend who is no longer on Line??? I really need to do this. If not, can anyone decode the file and send it to me as a text file??
You need to go into the conversation in order to backup. Thereafter, in order to restore, you will need to open a conversation with the same person. If your friend is no longer on Line, i’m sorry to say that there is no way to restore the chat history.
I would totally
recommend Photo4Tune as an alternative for Whatsapp and Snapchat. It has got
amazing emoticons, simple user interface for photo sharing
my line version 4.5.0 don’t have the tab of “import chat history”. pls help~~
How restore my LINE comments history already deleted iPhone 5
Thank you…
Hello I want to ask is it possible to restore deleted comments of my timeline
Is it possible to be stored somewhere in the phone
iphone 5
comments of my LINE timeline
Hello I want to ask is it possible to restore deleted comments of my LINE timeline
Is it possible to be stored somewhere in the phone
iphone 5
I am able to find the LINE_Backup folder in my old LG L3, but unable to find it in my new Moto G, so I don’t know where to put my Chat History backup files in order to restore my old Line chats in my new device! 🙁
So I need the path for LINE_Backup in the Moto G file system. Any help?
BTW, is keeping the original backup file names important for a correct restoration?
Help I get to step 8 but it asks me for email address and password, I but in my Line password but it says No email account is set up, Configure now? but it says incorrect password or username but I am doing the Line password???? Please HELP as I need the information to help with my daughter visa.
After completing step 5, your backup file would be saved to /LINE_Backup/ directory. The steps that follow is to have a backup file to be sent to your email as well. That is why it will try to launch your email to send the file.
The username and password requested at step 8 is for your email login. If you do not intend to login to an email account, you can ignore that step and continue on with the next section on restoring your Line chat history.
Dear shadowin1126, in step 8 for my login I cant seem to ignore it, it will not let me????
I can send it to my email Hotmail account via Gmail, but I can not seem to open it on my computer, do you know what program I need to open the file in my computer? , from my Hotmail?
It is funny sometimes feel so stupid not knowing what to do, but when you know how it sees and seems so easy and obvious ha ha ha
Okay, i understand your problem now. Right after step 5, at step 6, choose “No” when the system ask whether you want the backup file to be sent to your email. Then you can skip the email login step. Hope that helps.
Does this backup pictures, albums, stickers and notes?
No it doesnt.
LINE Back-Up is useless.
Yes, it does. I have tried this today & all my stickers are still intact. As for albums & notes, those should be there permanently even if you didn’t do a backup. Just ask the other party to send you a text so that you can access the chat room again, with all the posts inside.
I back up line history via E-mail but I cannot open file on my computer. How do I open it? Thank you.
You can’t find some of the file on your computer or device. it only open in line app so do the above things and you will get your files directly in your line app… I just tried it and i got it hope that will work for you
I cannot open file on my PC either 🙁
please help me …..
I accidentally deleted chat history on LINE and havent backup… is it possible to retrieve it again?
or is it possible to ask the other side of the person to send the backup for me?
Hi, how can i restore all my line chats in my old Android Phone to my new Iphone6?
I am sorry. It is not possible to backup and restore from android to iphone.
How about the other way, iPhone to android? Cheers
backup on pc by using LINE pc and you need to login by email
I tried to back up Line deleted messages but did not work . My phone is galexy s5 and have no sd card in it.please explain me why i cant get back up
I know. You need Backuptrans Android Line to iPhone Transfer to help.
I backed up everything before switching to a new Android phone. But then when I tried to log in with my new Android phone, it kept saying I’d typed in invalid password or registered email, even though I tried to reset my password, not an email was sent to my mailbox. So that I tapped new user and registered as a new user again. I downloaded the chat history on my sd card but ”import chat” wasnt shown. Which means that I can restore my chat history again?
Please help me!! Or are there any methods I can use to VIEW the .extra files?
after i click on import chat, it says chat imported, but wen i go back to the chat, there are no messeges! help please.
Hi, have you found the solution? This is happen to me also and I almost give up
You need to save “Line_backup” folder to Phone Storage, so Line will recognize it. Just copy it from the SD card. The instructions here are not clear on this.
Is it possible to print a line chat conversation??
Is there a way to make something like this for their games data?
how do you backup all conversations including the photos/videos sent/received onto the SD card? don’t tell me that the only way to do a backup is one conversation at a time. they can’t be that dumb.
guys i need help. i have a backup file just yesterday. i’m using my phone number in this app before. then i install line app to my laptop. in my computer i’m using my email add to log on. after that i format my phone and re-install the line app. i use my email to log on in my phone. line app said i will lost everything if i use my email add. then i did it. i have my old backup file in my computer thats why i did it. my problem isa i can’t retrieve my files. messages and photos. i lost my backup file to my phone either. i dont know how it happen. can someone help me please. thanks…
Can the chat history be imported from idevices to Android phones? iDevices have only the option ‘save as plain text’
I am trying to restore my line app on the Samsung Note 5 from the S5. The back up worked fine but having trouble with the restore especially because the Note 5 doesn’t have an SD slot. I have the email but unable to open the zip drive on my phone.
Hi everyone. I have a question about re-installing LINE on my ipad mini. My smart phone is where my original/first installation of LINE is. I use my ipad mini to see the chat contents that show up on the phone. If I delete the LINE APP from my ipad and re-install it, will I retain the chats that are still on the phone? Thanks for any advice from anyone!
is it possible to un-delete a conversation i removed by accident?
pls someone help me. . how can i view the back.up message in a plane message in my gmail accnt. . pls help me. . ty
I have a difficult question about transferring Line chat history to a new device. Can the techies here send a reply? Thanks. What if the old device is Android and the new device is Apple Iphone, IOS? And what if the devices have different phone numbers? Otherwise, is there any way to transfer from Android to Iphone? Given that the file suffix seems to be different.
No one has answered the question about being able to backup ALL chats at one time. I find it hard to believe that this can’t be done but I can’t find any information on it at all! HELP PLEASE!!!! Can you backup all chat conversations at one time???
Many folks are asking here, that you don’t see “import chat history” for example. You need to save “Line_backup” folder to PHONE STORAGE, so Line will recognize it. Just copy it from the SD card. The instructions are not clear on this, the mod hopefully will clarify this on step 1 of Restoring.
As for emailing it back to yourself, this is just insurance, you don’t need it to restore.
why when i’m import chat history from my friends backup. it’s show sorry, failed to import chat history. helppp me pleaseee
Note that LINE has changed a bit since this article was published. My previous Nexus 5X crapped out on me (bootloop) so I wasn’t able to backup the most recent chat history. But I had three backup files that was about 6 months old. So, I was trying to import/restore chat history on a new phone.
Some things to note:
* Make sure your Line backup Zip file is in sdcard > Line_Backup. Line backs up from this directory automatically. If your Zip file is anywhere else, there won’t be anything for Line to backup.
* You can’t import chat history arbitrarily at anytime. That option will not appear in the UI unless you FIRST backup history on a new phone. Not the greatest behavior because I was trying to import from my 6 month old file. So, backup up chat history (even if there’s nothing there) first to get that option.
* The file that is exported (from a new phone) will have a specific ID appended. This is important because your Line app will use that ID to figure out what chat history to import.
* I downloaded my previous backup locally to my phone. (I had it saved in Google Drive.) Interestingly enough, of the three backups, one of my 6 month old files had the same name and ID as the one I just backed up. I used this one to import.
* On my phone, I deleted the recently backed up file (which was empty). I then moved my 6 month old file from the “Downloads” folder to the “Line_Backup” folder. Remember, this had the same name and ID appended.
* I went ahead imported chat history for the person I was trying to restore.
Boom. All chat history was there–absent the last 6 months, of course.
LINE should really come up with something automated. Something that isn’t so complicated and prone to error. WhatsApp figured that out–as of last year (I think it was last year anyway) so that you can tell WhatsApp to backup history in Google Drive automatically. That way, when you log into a new phone, everything is there. Similarly, though more cumbersome and a bit buggy at times, WeChat has a way to restore chat history.
What if I bought a new phone and I want to transfer the line chat history to my new phone? Is that possible?
I migrated from a Note 5 to a Note 8 and obviously these steps no longer work with the latest updates to LINE. Erik_NYC was a bit closer with his steps, but even that is now obsolete as that was 10 months ago and does not work for me. I see now with the lastest version you can backup all chats in real-time by linking your Google Drive, so maybe going forward we won’t have any issues. I still have 8 zip files saved in case they ever get the import function fixed. I have tried putting the zip files in the proper folder on both the device storage and an SD card… no dice. I have also followed erik_nyc’s steps by first doing a fake export to establish a link… no dice. Anyone have any updates on this that was able to get it to work?
I imported from Note4 to Note8 and it worked fine. But once I was done with the importing, the “search messages” function stopped working. Are you having the same issues?