iPhone 5S with less Gold and more towards Champagne

iPhone 5S with less Gold and more towards Champagne

More rumors are creeping up towards the Gold iPhone 5S with information from various sources. Latest leak image shows a toned down gold, well more like champagne, easier on the eyes we would say.

iPhone 5S with less Gold and more towards Champagne


“champagne” iPhone 5S

According to TechCrunch columnist, MS Siegler,  “Yes, there will be a gold iPhone. That’s the latest I’m hearing from multiple sources after several weeks of rumors and possible component leaks suggesting the same thing. At first, I couldn’t believe Apple would break from the tradition of offering the simple choice: black and white (or “slate” and “silver” if you prefer for the iPhone 5) for their flagship device. Gold simply seemed too gaudy, perhaps even tacky. But a few compelling arguments countered my disbelief. And now, upon checking, sure enough, there will be gold.”


Following the parts leak of a gold iPhone 5S last week, Siegler goes on to add that gold is the easiest colors to anodize onto an iPhone. But the main reason for Apple to be doing it is that gold is one of the most popular after-market color adjustments for current iPhones (including gold cases). It is also expected to be a hit with the Chinese and Indian market.


This is all still rumor and speculation. Perhaps the gold iPhone 5S option would be enticing enough for an upgrade from iPhone 5. There would be more leaks as we are drawing nearer to the announcement date for the next generation of iPhone on September 10.

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