Mink lets you Print your own Makeup
Nowadays, there are 3D printers for almost anything, from pizza to even a house. Grace Choi, a Harvard Business School alumni, came up with the Mink, a 3D printer that lets you create any shade of makeup that you fancy.
The little printer allows the user to select any color from the web or from a digital photograph, and print that color into foundations, eye shadows and powders, which in time will be added with lipstick, lip gloss or any other type of makeup. Since most makeup comes from the same basic substrates, Choi sources the same exact substrates that trusted makeup brands use, and are all FDA approved.
Users will be able to print and wear makeup in any color in the world. “It can take any image and instantly transform it into a wearable color cosmetic, turning any phone, laptop or camera into an endless beauty aisle,” said Choi. “You can take a picture of your friend’s lipstick and just print it out.”
Founder Grace Choi suggests that younger people in the 13-21 age group, who are still experimenting and have yet to fall into set habits would be the target audience. Consumers are increasingly focused on instant gratification and DIY solutions. Choi also highlighted that makeup consumers are not always loyal to certain brands, but instead focused on convenience.
The Mink will retail for less than $200, with plans to launch later this year.