Within a day, Pressy managed to surpass it’s kickstarter goal of $40,000. It brings back simplicity to your smartphone, with a single click to toggle flashlight or double click to snap a photo and upload it straight to a social network.
Pressy is a tiny physical button that fits into the headphone jack. With the Pressy companion app, users can assign a given task to a sequence of clicks. It comes with 3 pre-set actions, allowing users to turn on the phone’s flashlight with one short click, toggle silent mode with a long click, and snap a photo with a double click.
The Pressy app will apparently allow a range of shortcuts to be created, based on a combination of short and long presses of the Pressy key. For instance, users can program the button to initiate voice recording, check in to social networks, record a phone call or even send current location (acts as an emergency button).
It will work on all Android devices running version 2.3 and up. There is no drain on battery life since the application is only activated when you click the button.
With 44 days to go, the crowdfunding project has already raised over $300,000, way over it’s kickstarter goal of $40,000. You can still grab one for as little as a $17 pledge, while $20 will get you the Pressy with a convenient key chain holder. You’ll have to be pretty patient though, as it’s not due to ship till March next year.