Hidden Treasures Are Found In Places You Least Expect It To Be. Amazing!
Treasures doesn’t always come with a treasure map. It might be lying quietly in your attic or backyard. While some are determined to set out hunting for treasures, some others might have accidentally bought the most expensive treasure at the flea market.
Below, you can see some of the most unusual places that some of these lucky people found their stash.
1. $50 million: Original Jackson Pollock in a thrift shop
It may look like a bunch of funny lines if you are not an art connoisseur. Teri Horton, a retired truck driver saw this piece of artwork at a thrift shop around North America. She doesn’t really like it, but thought that it was funny and would be a perfect gift for a depressed friend. At the counter, she haggled the price down from $8 to $5.
Little did she realize it is a great find until a friend came along with her date, who happens to be an art teacher. He noticed that it is an original Jackson Pollock. The painting has since been assessed as being worth $50 million.
2. $11 million: Gold coins buried in the backyard
A couple in California found eight cans buried in their backyard while walking their dog in 2013. In the cans were 1,427 rare gold coins dating back to between 1847 and 1894 in mint condition. A rare coin expert appraised the coins at $11 million.
The couple who remains anonymous donated some of them to the local charities before selling off most of the coins. You can still find them for sale at Amazon.
3. $2.42 million: Declaration of Independence in a flea market
An anonymous man bought an original copy of the Declaration of Independence at a Pennsylvania flea market for $4. It was hidden behind a painting that the man purchased.
It is one of the 24 known copies of the original 1776 Declaration of Independence. He sold it at an auction to a private collector in 1991 for $2.42 million, then nine years later, it was sold to television producer Norman Lear for $8.14 million.
4. $1 million: 52,000 Roman coins in a field
Dave Crisp, a hospital chef equipped with a metal detector, was determined to hunt for treasures. He found 21 Roman coins in a field before he noticed a pot which he knew would need expert help to unearth. Somerset County Council archaeologists excavated the pot which contains 52,000 Roman coins made of debased silver or bronze. The coins were dated back to between AD 253 and 293.
The Head of Portable Antiquities and Treasure at the British Museum, Roger Bland said the coins were probably worth about $1 million. It was transferred to the British Museum in London where the coins were cleaned and recorded.
5. $500,000: Depression-era currency in a bathroom wall
Bob Kitts, a contractor from Cleveland, Ohio found a huge stash of bills totalling $182,000 when he tore down a bathroom wall. Kitts told the homeowner, Amanda Reece about the discovery.
The bills was appraised to be worth $500,000. However, there were white envelopes accompanied with the coins with a return address to “P. Dunne News Agency”. There is a legal battle between the contractor, homeowner, and descendants of Patrick Dunne since then in regards to who is the rightful owner of the treasure.
6. $75,285: 140 year-old baseball card in basement
A 72 year-old California woman, Bernice Gallego found a rare baseball card in her home. Gallego was going to sell the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings card on eBay for $10 if not for a friend who told her what she got.
The baseball card was sold on an auction block for $75,285.
7. $27,630: Secret painting in a thrift store couch
In 2007, a German student bought a couch at a Berlin flea market for $215. Hidden inside the pullout couch was a lost painting from the 17th century worth 100 times more than the couch. The painting was sold at an auction in Hamburg for $27,630.