You Never Realize You Have Pronounced These Places Wrong All Your Life
What’s the best give-away that you are not a local? Try pronouncing some of these places. Regional dialects and foreign languages often make pronunciation of places hard for someone not from that area.
Here are the most common mispronounced places with their correct pronunciation. Let’s learn to pronounce it like a local.
1. Colombia, South America
2. Dubai
3. Brisbane, Australia
4. Thames River, UK
5. Phuket, Thailand
6. Qatar
7. Yosemite
8. Montreal, Canada
9. Bangkok, Thailand
10. Carnegie Hall, New York
11. Melbourne, Australia
12. Beijing, China
13. Budapest
14. Iraq
15. La Jolla, California
16. Pakistan
17. Niger
18. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
19. Tijuana
20. Mackinac Bridge, Michigan
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