Justin Soo

Justin Soo is a self-employed Web Development Consultant Specializing, Social Media Content Strategist, Professional Blogger and Computer Engineer. He previous experience in Web Development, Programming, Linux System, MySQL Database. G+ F T In

Tutorial on merge mining Litecoin Dogecoin and other Scrypt Coins

Tutorial on merged mining Litecoin / Dogecoin and other Scrypt Coins

Tutorial on merged mining Litecoin / Dogecoin and other Scrypt Coins Not to be confused with multipool mining, which switches to a more profitable coin automatically, merged mining lets you send hashes to multiple blockchains. That would mean that while mining Litecoin or Dogecoin, you would be able to mine

Tutorial on merged mining Litecoin / Dogecoin and other Scrypt Coins Read More »

MtGox loses over 400 Million worth of Bitcoin Files for Bankruptcy Protection

MtGox loses over $400 Million worth of Bitcoin, Files for Bankruptcy Protection

MtGox loses over $400 Million worth of Bitcoin, Files for Bankruptcy Protection With the recent events unfolding, Tokyo-based Bitcoin exchange, MtGox is officially filing bankruptcy protection on Friday in Japan with an outstanding debt of ¥6.5 billion (or $63.6 million USD).   CEO Mark Karpeles which was not been seen in

MtGox loses over $400 Million worth of Bitcoin, Files for Bankruptcy Protection Read More »