Google updates new Nexus 7 to address multitouch issues

Google updates new Nexus 7 to address multitouch issues

Google is pushing the update for second generation of Nexus 7 on Thursday morning to address multitouch issues reported by some Nexus 7 users. Google’s Paul Wilcox confirmed the patch’s release on the product forums to fix touchscreen sensitivity issues.

Google updates new Nexus 7 to address multitouch issues

“As a couple of you have mentioned, there’s a new system update that’s started rolling out for your Nexus 7s. This update does address the touchscreen issues discussed in this thread. If you’re one of the people experiencing touchscreen issues, please let us know how it’s going after you’ve received and installed the update.”


Some of the users weren’t able to perform tasks like pinching and zooming on Google Maps, and made several games from Google Play unplayable. The update will continue to roll-out today. As is always the case with Google updates it might be a few days before it’s rolled out to your tablet. He does not mention however, whether the patch includes any other fixes, like the reported issues with the device’s GPS system.

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