15 Things That Soldiers Do On Their Day Off
With great power comes great responsibility, but it is still okay to goof off once in awhile. Even soldiers need to recharge their burned-out batteries with some plain humor when they are not in action. Laughter is still the best medicine, i guess.
1. Keeping their spirit high during the holiday season.
2. Santa in his hi-tech sleigh.
3. Having a game of quidditch.
4. Quidditch practice.
5. Soldier trap.
6. Catch up on some reading.
7. Spending some quality time with his partner.
8. Uhm.. am i doing it wrong?
9. The carnival is in town.
10. Knight jousting.
11. Environmental friendly army vehicle.
12. Wrinkle free uniform.
13. Myth buster – fire resistant pants.
14. Indian soldier.
15. Taking a quick bite.
via boredpanda