First Bicycle With Ice Wheels They Are Really Awesome

First Bicycle With Ice Wheels. They Are Really Awesome.

First Bicycle With Ice Wheels. They Are Really Awesome.


Colin Furze, the inventor who brought us real-life Wolverine claws, Pyro that shoots 12 feet of flames, and Magneto shoes that lets you walk upside down, came up with something new. This time he’s making ice wheels for his bicycle. It was produced from the freezer in his secret lab of course.



The ice bike seems like a perfect match for icy terrain.

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The same does not hold true for an uphill slope on a tarmac road though.

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Going downhill will be a challenge as well.

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“Ice tires have an advantage that rubber tires don’t: you can chip off bits and use them to cool your drinks. And after riding that ice bike over hot, dusty roads, drinking those tires sounds like a refreshing idea.”

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