Apple is launching the trade-in program for iPhones at it’s U.S. retail stores today, tweeted CNBC’s Jon Fortt. The program allows customers to walk into physical retail stores and exchange an older model device for credit towards a new one.
Apple has reportedly confirmed the program, but there are no details about how it’ll work yet. According to CNBC, the new iPhone must be purchased during that same transaction and must be activated with a new carrier contract. Apple and BrightStar will create a trade-in-value for the old iPhone, between $120 and $250 or so depending on a number of criteria, including model, capacity and physical condition of the device with no water damage.
“iPhones hold great value. So, Apple Retail Stores are launching a new program to assist customers who wish to bring in their previous-generation iPhone for reuse or recycling. In addition to helping support the environment, customers will be able to receive a credit for their returned phone that they can use toward the purchase of a new iPhone” commented Apple regarding the launch today.