30 Makeup Tricks For All Your Halloween Needs
It is almost that time of the year again. Instead of worrying about a costume, sometimes a creepy makeup trick is all you will ever need.
We have put together some pretty creepy looking makeup ideas.
1. Alien girl.
2. Lady hulk.
3. Sad clown.
4. Cracked doll.
5. Rosy skeleton.
6. Half zombie.
7. Horned skeleton.
8. Evil eyes.
9. Glittering death.
10. Decaying crystal.
11. Dead silence.
12. Barely human.
13. Cheshire cat.
14. Unzipped face.
15. Frankenstein.
16. Murdered Marie.
17. Spider lips.
18. Carrie.
19. Snake girl.
20. Anime fit for Halloween.
21. Two face.
22. Bare bones.
23. Puppet girl.
24. Death and decay.
25. Hidden beauty.
26. The note pad.
27. Bionic girl.
28. Clawed apart.
29. Mouthless demon.
30. Demon mouth.
via BuzzFeed