There Is An Easier Way To Open These Hard To Open Things

There Is An Easier Way To Open These Hard To Open Things

There Is An Easier Way To Open These Hard To Open Things


There are those times when we struggle to open a jar of jam, or stuck with the last few pistachios which seemed impossible to open. Most often than not, we will try to do it with brute strength, hoping that it will give in eventually. In actual fact, there is an easier to open those things that many people does not realize.


Bear with us as we will reveal to you how those tough to open things should be handled.



New England Clam Chowder

no recipes

Freeze your clams for at least three hours, and then move them to the refrigerator to make them open up on their own while they thaw.


Sealed jar

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Put a thick rubber band around the lid to have a better grip.



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Hit the head of garlic with the heel of your hand, then shake the cloves in a bowl is the fastest way to peel garlic.


Nail polish

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Nail polish remover is the easiest way to loosen a stuck nail polish cap.



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Use an empty pistachio shell to easily open a stubborn pistachio.



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The Healthy Foodie

Strike a coconut with the blunt part of the knife to easily open a coconut.


Potato chips

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Two coins can open up a bag of potato chips easily.


Plastic packaging

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Use a can opener to easily cut through those impossible to open plastic packaging.



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Staple remover can easily pry open a keyring, making it easier to roll a new key in.


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