How To Change The Language On Android From Chinese To English

How To Change The Language On Android From Chinese To English

How To Change The Language On Android From Chinese To English


Android operating system has built-in support for dozens of languages, and it is important to know where to change the language settings, especially from Chinese to English, German, Spanish, or any other languages that you are familiar with.


Most Android devices came with English as a default language. However, if you are purchasing a device from oversea, it may arrive with a foreign language set as default. If you buy a Chinese tablet, for instance, the dealer may have changed the system language to English. The problem arises when you do a factory reset. It will switch back to the default language which is Chinese.


There is a simple solution to these problems, even if you don’t read Chinese or any other foreign languages that your kids may have accidentally changed to.


Guide to change the system language on Android

1. Go to “Settings”


From your app drawer, look for the Android settings icon. Depending on your Android version, usually it will look like a gear.


2. Go to “Language & Input”


In the settings menu, scroll down until you find a menu with an “A” icon. Tap on it to open language settings.


3. Change language


In the Language & Input menu, select the top option. Even if you do not understand the text, it says language. Then the following menu should show a list f languages. Tap on the language that you are familiar with, and the system language will change accordingly.

18 thoughts on “How To Change The Language On Android From Chinese To English”

  1. thank you SO much!!
    You made it so easy. I’ve been freakin out since last night…all’s well now!

  2. Thanks but i have a lenovo A3800 android phone , the default language from setiings shows English but to my greatest surprise some aspect of the settings still shows Chinese language. Can u please help out with this.

  3. Im using a xiaomi old version on my phone but its in chinese language. I google the steps but all links shows different types of settings. Cant find the symbol for keyboard and my keyboard does not appear. Im really annoyed…

  4. Super! Worked perfectly on no name 5.5 smartphone Android 4.0 ! Well done folks and many thanks 🙂 St

  5. Hi..i have Chinese version of vivo x7plus..i did change language in settings..but only 90% in english others stikk Chinese including recovery mode..any tips to solve it??

  6. Pls I need help, my vivo phone changed language from English to Chinese how do I reset back to English

  7. Ok, for those of you whom are still having problems with their phone/tablet still being stuck in Chinese, because your settings icons are different. Your solution is to look for the world outline like the one used in iOS (See attached photo below)
    From there you’ll want to chose the top option, which should be the language tab itself so you can move through and change to English or what ever other language you wish. I hope that helps clear things up for everyone that was still having the issue, have a great day and if there are any questions about this method feel free to message me and ask.

  8. Everything on my phone is in English except the Amazon app itself, which is in Chinese. I have not been able to correct this. Any idea?

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